Hello everyone, today i will teach you to determine your laptop battery pack's capacity using inbuilt windows tool, "powercfg". This tool lets you determine capacity of battery pack plus have in-depth insight on previous battery usages.
Windows command prompt operating
Windows 8, 8.1 or 10 version
- Run
command prompt in elevated mode
1.1 Run command prompt in elevated mode 1.2 Verify whether command prompt is in elevated mode or not - Change
working directory to desktop or drive or path where you find easy (Here I am using
“Reports” folder in “K:” drive)
k: ↵
cd reports ↵2 Change working directory - Enter
into command prompt following command to generate report on current directory
powercfg /batteryreport ↵3 Generate powercfg battery report - Open
“battery-report.html” file which contains detailed report about your
laptop battery which was recently generated on path you mentioned above [K:\Reports
in my case]
4 Verify generated report html file - Understanding
generated battery report file
5 Understanding generated battery report file
Full Charge Capacity is: actual capacity battery is capable of holding
The difference in above value signifies that:
If Full Charge Capacity is greater than Design Capacity, battery is working well than factory anticipated.
Otherwise, battery has degraded over time amounting to difference in Design Capacity and Full Charge Capacity.
Further Learnings:
We can utilize powercfg tool to configure power schemes and also generate energy usage reports to determine what is draining laptop battery. To expand knowledge on powercfg refer to urls in References.
article/tutorial is written by Arun Poudel, ICTV Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan City
Office. For feedback and any queries, please comment on the article below.
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