How to write texts in a circular manner between two circles in MS-Office

Many times, while using Microsoft Office, we may encounter with the need of giving our texts an effect but not knowing how to do it using MS-Office and importing from the third party application might be troublesome.

This blog gives you the step-by-step guide on how to write texts in a circular manner between two circles in MS-Office. I have chosen writing texts in a circular manner as an example of a text effect. Using the steps mentioned below, you can give your text any of the effects available.

I have used Office 13 for the demonstrative purpose. Earlier versions of MS-Office also have this facility available. The final result will look like the image shown below:

Let’s go into the steps:

  1. Go to ‘Insert’ tab. A ribbon shows up. Under ‘Text’ group, select ‘Insert WordArt’.
  2.  Then, create your object in WordArt. Once done, with the text selected, you must see the ‘Drawing Tools’ tab at the far end of the ribbon. Click it if it is not already open. In the middle of the ribbon is the ‘WordArt Styles’ group. You must see a small glowing ‘A’ drop-down menu. On hovering over it, you will find it to be the ‘Text Effects’ drop-down menu. This is what does the magic. Click on it. Select ‘Transform’. Under ‘Follow Path’, select a circular transformation.
  3.  Adjust the text according to your requirement. Play with it to get your best fit. Then again go to ‘Insert’ tab and under ‘Shapes’, select an oval shape. With the shape selected, ‘Format’ tab should automatically open for you. If it is not, click on it. Under the ‘Shape Styles’ group, give your shape a ‘No fill’ and a black outline. Drag it over the WordArt you created. Adjust to get the best look. Similarly, add another circle and give it a ‘No fill’ and a ‘Black Outline’. Put it inside of the text. Adjust to get the best look. Now at the center, you can insert a textbox or an image as per your requirement. The result should look something like the first image of this blog.
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This portal "ICT for Local Bodies" is written by various individuals - ICT Experts and ICT Volunteers working under MoFALD/LGCDP with an aim of integrating ICT at Local Governance. The author is this post is mentioned at the end of the article itself (with their Google+ profile alongside). Learn more about ICT4LB KMDB here.
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