Protecting Sheets in Google SpreadSheet

In this post I am going to tell you how make sheets protected. The situation often arises when you want to send Excel Format Sheets to multiple agents and want each of them to do only their concern task. Ok.. I am writing how I achieve this...

First Create a Google SpreadSheet in your GDrive with name "DemoSpreadSheet".
List the emails that you want to share this SpreadSheet. I have two sheets and two email accounts as follows:


Share the sheet among above two accounts by going File>>Share..

(I am creating the Sheet as as the owner.)
Now create two sheets:
1. Yogendra_Only
2. ICT_Only

Now go to Yogendra_Only Sheet and Right Click, choose Protect Sheet

"Protected Sheets and ranges" window appears at right part of browser like this :

Enter Description and Click on Sheet and your sheet. I have choosen Yogendra_Only Sheet. Click on Set Permission.

Now set can view for ICT Dhulikhel Municipality Account
Set can edit for account.

Do same for ICT_Only Sheet. By clicking on Add Sheets and Ranges .

Now I am done !!!

To test it I am opening account and see what happens :

Ha ha !!

I can  edit Yogendra_Only Sheet but can not edit ICT_Only ...

Microsoft Excel has also provided password protection for sheets. It can also be used....

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About Author (Unknown)

This portal "ICT for Local Bodies" is written by various individuals - ICT Experts and ICT Volunteers working under MoFALD/LGCDP with an aim of integrating ICT at Local Governance. The author is this post is mentioned at the end of the article itself (with their Google+ profile alongside). Learn more about ICT4LB KMDB here.
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