How to LIVE Broadcast the events on YouTube

As Live Telecasting is good way to make the events of our Local Bodies available for people who can't attend the program, but are interested. As there are many ways to live telecast, Youtube is most preferred. Here is Step by Step method to Live telecast the event on youtube.

1. On the YouTube page, click MY CHANNEL option.
    In MY CHANNEL Section, there is Video Manager on the Top portion.

2. Click on VIDEO manager. Then there are many options on video managers. Click Live Events.

3. After clicking LIVE EVENTS, we can see New Event button on Top Right portion or "Schedule a new event" option on the screen. The Click any of the link.

"Schedule a new event" option is only avilable if we don't have any scheduled events. We can schedule many events. If we have some scheduled event's we see that event with EDIT and LIVE BROADCAST options.

4. After creating the event, the TITLE field must be filled, and other description is optional.
In ENCODING section there are two options Quick (Google Hangout Encoding) or Custom Encoding. For simplicity, we prefer Quick (Google Hangout Encoding).

 5. Then click on Go live now button on the top right side. 
     A pop-up will come asking Are we Ready to go ? Click on OK and Google Hangout will    appear with WEB CAM on. It will take few seconds to work Broadcasting screen for encoding the video.

Then appears green button with Start Broadcast option. Click Start Broadcast option when we are ready to broadcast. One can take time for camera orientation for best view of the scene.

Note: We can minimize the BROADCASTING SCREEN of GOOGLE HANGOUT and go back our browser or Computer for other activities keeping the broadcast pending. In order to share the link, on the HANG OUT screen there is LINK section on Right buttom part.

P.S: Google Hangout plugin will be asked to install if haven't previously installed it.

Lastly, I have not known yet HOW TO USE EXTERNAL CAMERA for this. For non YouTube broadcast, There is one mobile application named : LiveStream which allows us to stream the live event from our mobile. I have used it few times for better quality of picture (depending on camera of mobile) and moving the mobile for different scenes. But holding mobile and broadcasting is somehow difficult. For long program, stand for mobile would be preferred or Youtube broadcast is best. The best advantage of YouTube live telecast is the video will be saved in our channel automatically.

This article/tutorial is written by BISHAL GAUTAM, DDC Sarlahi.
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About Author (Mt. Glahsib)

This portal "ICT for Local Bodies" is written by various individuals - ICT Experts and ICT Volunteers working under MoFALD/LGCDP with an aim of integrating ICT at Local Governance. The author is this post is mentioned at the end of the article itself (with their Google+ profile alongside). Learn more about ICT4LB KMDB here.
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